Descrição de Cursos / Módulos

Módulo Intermediate COBOL
Intermediate COBOL
Idioma: ING  
Origem: Element K
Descrição In this course, you will explore how to create record descriptions from a syntactical view with special emphasis on special usages like COMPUTATIONAL and PACKED-DECIMAL. The uses for tables and arrays are introduced, including the use of formal index variables and the SEARCH command. More COBOL Techniques, includes information about comment and debug lines, as well as additional statements like MOVE CORRESPONDING, STRING, and COMPUTE are examined. Advanced use of the Sort/Merge facility, including the use of input and output procedures, is covered. Methodology for using COBOL prepacked functions, passing arguments, and return values is presented. Finally, the last unit shows how a project may be developed using a series of subprograms. It deals with calling subprograms and passing/returning parameters.
Data Realização: ...
Plataforma PC
Nº Dias 1 DOT
Duração:(Hrs) 5


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