Descrição de Cursos / Módulos

Módulo Excel 2001: Level 3 for Macintosh
Excel 2001: Level 3 for Macintosh
Idioma: ING  
Origem: Element K
Descrição In this course, you´ll explore how to work with the advanced features of Excel 2001. You will also examine various advanced techniques for analyzing and manipulating data in Excel.
Data Realização: ...
Requisitos Hardware/Software Minimum Requirements for Element K Tutorials:

  • Processor: Pentium 90-MHz or better; or Macintosh PowerPC
  • Operating Systems: Windows 95, 98, 2000, or NT; or MacOS 8x and 9x
  • Browsers: Netscape Communicator 4.05 or higher (excluding version 6.0); or Internet Explorer 4 or higher; Mac users need Internet Explorer 5.0 and Netscape Communicator 4.7
  • Screen Resolution: 800 x 600 @256 colors
  • Plug-ins: Macromedia Shockwave plug-in 8.0 or higher

    *Note:These are the minimum requirements. We recommend that you use the latest
    Web browsers (no beta versions or modified browser versions please), and use a faster processor to access
    Element K more efficiently.
  • Nº Dias 1
    Duração:(Hrs) 3,5


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    Nota: DOT = Day Of Training (Dia de Formação)

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