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Módulo Word 2003: Graphic Elements in Documents
Word 2003: Graphic Elements in Documents
Idioma: ING  
Origem: Element K
Descrição If you use Microsoft® Office Word 2003 on a regular basis, then once you have mastered the basic skills, the next step is to improve your proficiency. To do so, you can customize and automate the way Word works for you, and you can improve the quality of your work by enhancing your documents with customized Word elements. In this course, you will increase the complexity of your Word documents by inserting graphic elements, such as symbols and special characters, clip art, and watermarks. You will also modify and customize your graphic elements, including pictures, and control text flow. The Graphic Elements in Documents course was designed for persons who can create and modify standard business documents in Word, and who need to learn how to use Word to create or modify complex business documents as well as customized Word efficiency tools. It will be helpful for persons preparing for the Microsoft® Office Specialist exams for Word.
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