Descrição de Cursos / Módulos

Módulo ToolBook II Assistant/Instructor 7.1: Advanced (For Use with Screen Readers)
ToolBook II Assistant/Instructor 7.1: Advanced (For Use with Screen Readers)
Idioma: ING  
Origem: Element K
Descrição This course is designed to accommodate end-users who use assistive technology tools (screen readers, for example) to access the course content. The course was designed to work with JAWS® for Windows® screen reading software. ToolBook II Assistant/Instructor 7.1: Advanced is a hands-on instruction book that teaches students to use Asymetrix ToolBook II Assistant and/or Instructor to create custom interactive learning applications.This course was created using ToolBook II Instructor. The screen captures depict typical screens in this application. If you are working with ToolBook II Assistant, you may find that some screens appear slightly different. For the most part, the functionality of the two programs should be the same. Where procedures in Instructor are different from those in Assistant, you will find instructions for both programs.
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Duração:(Hrs) 02:40:00


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