Descrição de Cursos / Módulos

Módulo Photoshop® 7.0: Level 2 (Windows) (For Use with Screen Readers)
Photoshop® 7.0: Level 2 (Windows) (For Use with Screen Readers)
Idioma: ING  
Origem: Element K
Descrição This course is designed to accommodate end-users who use assistive technology tools (screen readers, for example) to access the course content. The course was designed to work with JAWS® for Windows® screen reading software. In this course, you´ll learn skills that go beyond those covered in thePhotoshop® 7.0Level 2course. You´ll further your understanding of isolating image areas by creating and saving masks with specialized tools, commands, modes, and layer elements. You´ll learn how to use vector paths for a variety of purposes, including masking, clipping paths, and illustration. You´ll also learn to create and apply creative elements such as gradients, patterns, and color overlays, and to save them along with effects in easy-to-apply layer styles. When you´ve completed the course, you´ll have a firm grasp on Photoshop concepts that are applicable to almost every facet of using the application, including Web design, preparing photographic images for printing, and illustration.
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