Descrição do Bundle

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  Título:   Novo Segurança
  Descrição:   Segurança de Redes, incluí SCP
  Preço:   600 €
 Cursos do Bundle: Novo Segurança



Sistemas Operativos Tipo Horas Comprar

PKI and Biometrics Concepts and Planning

A 17,5

PKI and Biometrics Implementation

A 17,5

A+ Certification: Operating Systems, Part One

A 5

A+ Certification: Operating Systems, Part Two

A 10


Redes Tipo Horas Comprar

A+ Certification: Core Hardware Part One

A 10

A+ Certification: Core Hardware Part Two

A 15

Advanced Security Implementation (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 07:20:00

Enterprise Security Solutions (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 07:10:00

CISSP (Part 2): Defining Security Management

A 03:13:00

A+? Certification: Core Hardware Third Edition - A CompTIA Certification (FUWSR)

A 16:55:00

A+? Certification: Operating Systems Third Edition ? A CompTIA Certification (FUWSR)

A 16:20:00

Defending the Network

A 08:56:00

Defending Against Intrusion

A 04:52:00

CISSP (Part 3): Applying System Security

A 17:24:00

CISSP (Part 5): Applying Physical Security and Law

A 17:24:00

Hardening the Infrastructure (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 09:10:00


A 02:54:00

Network Defense and Countermeasures (Second Edition) (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 08:10:00

Security+?: A CompTIA Certification (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 16:56:00

Security Awareness: (Part 1): Accessing a Computer, a Network and the Internet in a Secure Manner

A 01:48:00

Security Awareness (Part 2): Maintaining File and Email Security

A 02:08:00

Security Awareness (Part 2): Maintaining File and Email Security

A 02:08:00

Security Awareness (Part 3): Promoting Web Security and Proper Responses to Security Incidents

A 01:24:00

Security Awareness (Part 3): Promoting Web Security and Proper Responses to Security Incidents

A 01:24:00

Network+ Certification Third Edition - 2002 Objectives

A 17,5

Site-to-Site VPN Design

A 03:50:00

VPN Design Fundamentals

A 06:10:00

Attacks and Security

A 04:50:00

Network Security Fundamentals (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 09:50:00

Network Defense and Countermeasures (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 08:10:00

Network+ Certification (Second Edition) (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 09:20:00

Network+ Certification: Third Edition ? 2002 Objectives (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 11:10:00

Security+ Certification (Part 2): Hardening Internal Systems and Services

A 02:54:00

Security+ Certification (Part 2): Hardening Internal Systems and Services

A 02:54:00

Network Defense and Countermeasures

A 17,5


Comunicação de Dados Tipo Horas Comprar

TCP/IP Introduction and Advanced

A 10:33:00

TCP/IP: Introduction and Advanced, Part Two

A 10

TCP/IP: Introduction and Advanced, Part One

A 5
Legenda do Tipo de Curso:
  A -  Auto-Estudo
  P  -  Presencial
  M  -  Misto: Auto-Estudo/Presencial/Tutoria On-Line
  T  -  Tutoria On-Line


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