Descrição do Bundle

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  Título:   Novo E-Business
  Descrição:   E-Business- fundamentos e aplicações
  Preço:   250 €
 Cursos do Bundle: Novo E-Business



Comercio Electronico Tipo Horas Comprar

E-Business: Small Business Site Planning and Development

A 5

E-Business: Enterprise Wide Planning

A 5

E-Business: Security Techniques

A 5

E-Business: Project Implementation and Management

A 5

E-Business: Fundamentals of Enterprise Wide Infrastructure

A 5

E-Business: Practical Applications

A 5

E-Business: Fundamentals of E-Commerce

A 5


Desktop Tipo Horas Comprar

Intranets and Extranets: An Introduction

A 1,75

Microsoft Project 2000: Advanced (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 03:00:00

Microsoft Project 2000: Level 1 (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 04:00:00

Microsoft Project 2000: Level 2 (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 03:10:00

Intranets and Extranets: An Introduction (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 01:20:00
Legenda do Tipo de Curso:
  A -  Auto-Estudo
  P  -  Presencial
  M  -  Misto: Auto-Estudo/Presencial/Tutoria On-Line
  T  -  Tutoria On-Line


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