Descrição de Cursos / Módulos

Módulo Perl/CGI: Introduction
Perl/CGI: Introduction
Idioma: ING  
Origem: Element K
Descrição In this course, you´ll examine the limitations of HTML and why CGI programs are a good way to add functionality to a web site. You will explore the relationship between the web server and the CGI program and the structure of the CGI protocol. You will compare the pros and cons of using Perl for CGI programs, and explore how to use Perl to perform common and powerful CGI communications, and process tasks on a web server. You will also examine the potential risk of having CGI on a web server and explore some methods for safeguarding CGIs.
Data Realização: ...
Plataforma PC
Nº Dias 5
Duração:(Hrs) 17,5


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