Descrição de Cursos / Módulos

Módulo Flash MX: ActionScript
Flash MX: ActionScript
Idioma: ING  
Origem: Element K
Descrição In this course, you´ll examine a prototype movie to see how ActionScript creates opportunities for the user to interact with the movie. Then, you´ll control the flow of a movie. You will nest symbols to create reusable code. Then, you´ll learn how to use a storyboard and a flowchart to outline the movie´s structure. You will also create variables and initialize and increment their values. Then, you´ll add movie clip scripts to customize instances. You will then use ActionScript code to write conditional statements. You will also create a video game that responds to key presses. Then, you´ll duplicate and hide movie clips and test the objects in a movie for collision effects. Further, you´ll enable the user to drag several movie clips on the Stage by writing one script that applies to multiple nested movie clips. In addition, you´ll use loops and arrays in ActionScript code. You will also use the Debugging feature of Flash. Finally, you´ll use the prebuilt components of Flash to create check boxes, radio buttons, and combo boxes.
Data Realização: ...
Plataforma PC
Nº Dias 1
Duração:(Hrs) 3,5


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