Descrição de Cursos / Módulos

Módulo Get Going with QuickBooks 2003 For Windows
Get Going with QuickBooks 2003 For Windows
Idioma: ING  
Origem: Element K
Descrição In this course, you´ll set up a company and use the Chart of Accounts to enter account opening balances. You will create and work with lists and set up the inventory. You will also create invoices to sell the product and make cash sales. You will change the format of these invoices as well. You will also process payments, make deposits, and print statements. Further, you will work with bank accounts where you´ll write a check and transfer funds between accounts. Finally, you will enter bill information and also pay bills.
Data Realização: ...
Plataforma PC
Nº Dias 1
Duração:(Hrs) 3,5


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Nota: DOT = Day Of Training (Dia de Formação)

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