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Módulo HTML 4.01 Web Authoring: Level 2 (Second Edition)
HTML 4.01 Web Authoring: Level 2 (Second Edition)
Idioma: ING  
Origem: Element K
Descrição HTML 4.01 Web Authoring, Level 2 (Second Edition) is for people who already know how to create basic Web pages and want to increase the complexity of their layouts and navigation, create forms, and enhance their pages with basic CSS and dynamic content. The course is the second in the HTML series. It will build on the concepts you learned in HTML 4.01 and gives you an opportunity to apply your new skills. In this course, you will use HTML tables, which you learned how to create in Level 1, to lay out the contents of your Web pages. You will create different kinds of hypertext links, expanding on your existing understanding of links between Web pages. You will create forms and add dynamic multimedia content to your pages in order to increase the interactivity and appeal of the Web pages. You will also apply Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) formatting to elements in new ways and harness the true power of CSS by applying the same styles to multiple documents.
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