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Módulo Cascading Style Sheets (Second Edition)
Cascading Style Sheets (Second Edition)
Idioma: ING  
Origem: Element K
Descrição This course is for experienced HTML authors or Web designers/developers who want to use CSS to create more powerful, efficient, and standards-compliant Web sites. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is an important component of successful Web design. It is integrated into HTML 4.0, so to create valid HTML 4.0 pages you need to use CSS to control your colors, typography, and layout schemes, rather than the HTML style-oriented tags and attributes of previous versions of HTML. In this course, you will be introduced to the concepts, techniques, properties, and values of CSS in a sequence that reflects a typical "building up" of design rules. You will first start with colors because in many cases, the colors you use for a site project will be dictated to you by the organization's existing color scheme. Color is also the simplest part of CSS, so it is a great place to get started. You will then control typography using text and font properties. Typographical styles are important to establish before you get into the layout of content areas because the size and spacing of your text will help define the size of your content sections. You will then explore the layout-oriented styles of CSS, including margins, padding, and absolute and relative positioning. Once you have established your layout, you can apply the finishing touches on your design, which might include customizing cursors, links, and forms, creating alternate style sheets, and many other techniques.
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