Descrição de Cursos / Módulos

Módulo Director MX: Level 2 (Windows) (For Use with Screen Readers)
Director MX: Level 2 (Windows) (For Use with Screen Readers)
Idioma: ING  
Origem: Element K
Descrição This course is designed to accommodate end-users who use assistive technology tools (screen readers, for example) to access the course content. The course was designed to work with JAWS® for Windows® screen reading software. In the Director MX Level 1 course, you learned techniques for creating basic Director movies. In this course, you will add the power of Lingo Director's scripting language as well as 3D content. Using Lingo, you will explore the possibilities for creating a truly interactive experience for your movie's end user. You will create Lingo-based animation, use variables and lists to store data, and control how the movie responds to user interaction. To achieve these goals, you will acquire programming skills that will help you structure, test, and debug Lingo code effectively. Three-dimensional content can bring your flat, 2D Director movies to life. You will use 3D within Director to add 3D media objects to existing movies, build interactions into a 3D product demo, animate a 3D model, and enhance your 2D movies with particle systems and character renderers.
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Plataforma PC
Duração:(Hrs) 03:30:00


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