Descrição de Cursos / Módulos

Módulo Photoshop® CS: Photo Printing and Color
Photoshop® CS: Photo Printing and Color
Idioma: ING  
Origem: Element K
Descrição In Photoshop, you can apply color management to ensure high quality of images and calibrate your system for maximum color accuracy. You can also control the scanning process to work with the best possible images. Using Photoshop, you will be able to remove defects and perform corrections; modify the brightness, contrast, color balance, hue, and saturation of images; create custom color separation settings; modify the gamut of images to create quality CMYK output and sharpen images. In addition, you can also create grayscale images from RGB files with better quality than from Photoshop´s default conversion method. Photoshop also enables you to use spot colors to create duotones and spot overlays in images.
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