Descrição de Cursos / Módulos

Módulo Designing Storage Network Solutions
Designing Storage Network Solutions
Idioma: ING  
Origem: Element K
Descrição In this course, you will assess the business needs that contribute to various storage networking design alternatives, including performance, scalability, resiliency and redundancy, ease of management, cost per port actual, cost per port usable, oversubscription, and how the SAN enables a customer's applications. You will also recommend a high-level logical plan consisting of a logical configuration and based on the assessment of your customer´s current network and needs, and you will obtain a buy-in from your customer to ensure that their needs are going to be fulfilled. Having obtained buy-in from the client, you will apply SAN metrics to the logical plan that includes quantitative and qualitative detail about the proposed solution and then create a physical design focusing on a prioritized list of key business areas.
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