Descrição de Cursos / Módulos

Módulo Windows SharePoint Services Installation
Windows SharePoint Services Installation
Idioma: ING  
Origem: Element K
Descrição In this course, you will learn how to incorporate workspaces into your Web sites and perform advanced administration tasks to build more robust sites and extend the functionality of Windows SharePoint Services. Anyone in a finance, operations, sales, or human resources area with Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services experience creating a team Web site using the default team Web site template, who is responsible for establishing virtual Web-based meeting and document workspaces to enable information sharing between project team or department members, or for administering, maintaining, and extending the functionality of a team Web site, is an ideal student for this course. This course contains virtual labs. A note about virtual System Requirements: If you access the Internet from behind a proxy server, you may not be able to take a virtual lab. This affects AOL and users who use a modified browser and those who access virtual lab technology from behind a corporate firewall. Modified browsers users should use either Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator (both 4.0 or higher). Users behind a corporate proxy server should access virtual lab technology through a commercial ISP account. NOTE: Connection to the real PCs and servers is done via the VNS protocol. As a result, there is a requirement for a connection through ports 5800-5821 and 5900-5921.
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Plataforma PC
Duração:(Hrs) 01:01:00


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