Descrição de Cursos / Módulos

Módulo Novell Nterprise Linux Services (3015): Part 2
Novell Nterprise Linux Services (3015): Part 2
Idioma: ING  
Origem: Element K
Descrição This course serves as the introductory course for the Novell Nterprise Linux Services solution. It is primarily designed for the current Novell CNE Linux professionals. Novell CNA professionals with basic eDirectory? knowledge can also use this course to prepare for the Novell CLE Practicum. In addition, the students need to be familiar with the Linux environment, installion and upgradation of Novell Nterprise Linux Services, providing directory services with eDirectory, managing user identities with NNLS, and synchronizing user identities with NNLS.
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Plataforma PC
Duração:(Hrs) 10:31:00


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