Descrição de Cursos / Módulos

Módulo Flash MX: ActionScript (Windows) (For Use with Screen Readers)
Flash MX: ActionScript (Windows) (For Use with Screen Readers)
Idioma: ING  
Origem: Element K
Descrição This course is designed to accommodate end-users who use assistive technology tools (screen readers, for example) to access the course content. The course was designed to work with JAWS® for Windows® screen reading software. This course is intended for the intermediate to advanced Flash user who wants to learn ActionScript programming to add more complex interactivity to their movies than simple navigation. You'll learn to plan your movies to make the process efficient and to allow code to be reused in multiple places. Throughout the course, you'll create a quiz game with several types of questions, including those involving toggling items on and off with clicks; dragging objects to targets; a "video game" question in which you move your player with arrow keys and fire missiles at an "enemy"; and ones that you answer via clicking checkboxes and radio buttons. In the process, you'll learn about storing data in variables, accepting input via the keyboard and mouse, using arrays and loops, using debugging tools, and using Flash's built-in components.
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Plataforma PC
Duração:(Hrs) 03:40:00


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