Descrição de Cursos / Módulos

Módulo Excel 2003: Working with Existing Workbooks
Excel 2003: Working with Existing Workbooks
Idioma: ING  
Origem: Element K
Descrição You have basic computer skills such as using a mouse, navigating through windows, and surfing the Internet. You have also used paper-based systems to store data that you run calculations on. You now want to migrate that data to an electronic format. In this course, you will use Microsoft® Office Excel 2003 to manage, edit, and print data. Persons preparing for certification as a Microsoft® Office Specialist in Excel, who already have knowledge of the Microsoft Windows 98 (or above) operating system, and who desire to gain the skills necessary to create, edit, format, and print basic Excel worksheets should take this course.
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Plataforma PC
Duração:(Hrs) 02:23:00


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