Descrição de Cursos / Módulos

Módulo Microsoft® Office Excel 2003: Introduction to VBA
Microsoft® Office Excel 2003: Introduction to VBA
Idioma: ING  
Origem: Element K
Descrição In the previous Excel courses, you used Excel to simplify business tasks including the creation of spreadsheets, graphs, charts, and formulas that were difficult to create and nearly impossible to maintain using pencil and paper. You now want to simplify your work in the Excel environment by automating many of the repetitive tasks that are part of spreadsheet development. This course is designed for students looking to gain the skills necessary to apply VBA to develop macros, format worksheets, create user-interactive macros, work with multiple worksheets, and perform calculations. In addition, it's intended for students who already have knowledge of the basics of Excel, including how to create, edit, format, and print worksheets that include charts and sorted and filtered data.
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Plataforma PC
Duração:(Hrs) 08:30:00


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