Descrição de Cursos / Módulos

Módulo Linux Advanced System and Network Administration - LPI Certification (Part 2)
Linux Advanced System and Network Administration - LPI Certification (Part 2)
Idioma: ING  
Origem: Element K
Descrição The more and more technologies are being introduced to the market, you would like to implement those services in your network. As the network size increases day by day, you need to manage the server and the network traffic. In this course, Linux Network Administration, you will be implementing web, file and security features on the server and manage them. You will also troubleshoot the system and network problems. This course is intended for system and network administrators who are familiar with working at the Linux command line, and performing basic system administration tasks such as maintaining user accounts and groups, and backing up and restoring data.
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Plataforma PC
Duração:(Hrs) 06:32:00


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