Descrição de Cursos / Módulos

Módulo Security+ Certification (Part 5): Managing Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Certificates
Security+ Certification (Part 5): Managing Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Certificates
Idioma: ING  
Origem: Element K
Descrição In this course, you'll build on your knowledge and professional experience with installing CA servers into a CA hierarchy, applying hardening techniques for the CA servers, utilizing the back up and restore process for the CA server, and use certificates to secure your network communications. This course is targeted toward an Information Technology (IT) professional who has networking and administrative skills in Windows-based TCP/IP networks and familiarity with other operating systems, such as NetWare, Macintosh, UNIX/Linux, and OS/2, who wants to: further a career in IT by acquiring a foundational knowledge of security topics; prepare for the CompTIA Security+ Certification examination; or use Security+ as the foundation for advanced security certifications or career roles.
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