Descrição do Bundle

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  Título:   Novo ECDL / ICDL
  Descrição:   Carta Condução Europeia de Informática
  Preço:   80 €
 Cursos do Bundle: Novo ECDL / ICDL



Desktop Tipo Horas Comprar

ECDL/ICDL: Introduction to the Internet

A 5

ECDL/ICDL: Creating Effective Spreadsheets Part II

A 5

ECDL/ICDL: Creating Presentations

A 5

ECDL/ICDL: Introduction to Databases

A 5

ECDL/ICDL: Creating Effective Spreadsheets Part I

A 5

ECDL/ICDL: Basic Information Technology Concepts

A 5

ECDL/ICDL: Introduction to the Personal Computer

A 5

ECDL/ICDL: Introduction to Word Processing

A 5

ECDL/ICDL: Concepts of Information Technology (IT)

A 03:28:00

ECDL/ICDL: Databases v 4.0

A 02:59:00

ECDL/ICDL: Presentations v 4.0

A 02:50:00

ECDL/ICDL: Information and Communication v 4.0

A 03:16:00

ECDL/ICDL: Spreadsheets v 4.0

A 03:06:00
Legenda do Tipo de Curso:
  A -  Auto-Estudo
  P  -  Presencial
  M  -  Misto: Auto-Estudo/Presencial/Tutoria On-Line
  T  -  Tutoria On-Line


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