Descrição do Bundle

[Comprar Bundle]

  Título:   Novo Programação e Desenvolvimento para Internet
  Descrição:   Técnicas básicas para html, criação de páginas web, Linguagens de scripting, desenvolvimento de applets, técnicas de análise e desenvolvimento orientadas a objectos, técnicas básicas e avançadas de programação, programação de bases de dados, internet e DHTML.
  Preço:   500 €
 Cursos do Bundle: Novo Programação e Desenvolvimento para Internet



Bases de Dados Tipo Horas Comprar

Access 2000: Introduction to Application Development

A 5

Oracle Fundamentals, Part Two

A 5

Oracle8i: Backup and Recovery

A 5

Oracle Developer 2000: Introduction to Oracle Forms Design, Part Two

A 15

Oracle 8i: Tuning and Troubleshooting, Part Two

A 10

Oracle8i: Network and Distributed Administration, Part Two

A 5

Oracle Fundamentals, Part One

A 5

Oracle Fundamentals, Part Three

A 5

Oracle Developer 2000: Advanced Forms Development, Part Two

A 10

Oracle8i: Architecture and Administration, Part One

A 10

Oracle8i: Architecture and Administration, Part Two

A 5

Oracle8i: SQL, PL/SQL, and SQL*Plus, Part Four

A 5

Oracle Developer 2000: Creating Functional Reports, Part Two

A 10

Oracle8i: SQL, PL/SQL, and SQL*Plus, Part Two

A 5

Oracle Developer 2000: Introduction to Oracle Forms Design, Part One

A 15

Oracle8i: Network and Distributed Administration, Part One

A 10

Oracle Developer 2000: PL/SQL Functions, Procedures, and Packages, Part One

A 5

Oracle Developer 2000: PL/SQL Functions, Procedures, and Packages, Part Two

A 10

Oracle Developer 2000: Advanced Forms Development, Part One

A 5

Oracle8i: Architecture and Administration, Part Three

A 10

Oracle8i: SQL, PL/SQL, and SQL*Plus, Part Three

A 5

Oracle 8i: Tuning and Troubleshooting, Part One

A 15

Oracle Developer 2000: Creating Functional Reports, Part One

A 10

Oracle8i: SQL, PL/SQL, and SQL*Plus, Part One

A 5

Oracle9i Database: Performance Tuning

A 17:48:00

Oracle9i Database Fundamentals I

A 17:14:00

Oracle Fundamentals Second Edition

A 10,5

Oracle9i Database Fundamentals II

A 17:26:00

Oracle8i: Tuning and Troubleshooting (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 05:00:00

Oracle Fundamentals (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 05:20:00

Oracle8i: Architecture and Administration (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 07:20:00

Oracle8i: Backup and Recovery (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 05:40:00

Oracle8i: SQL, PL/SQL, and SQL*Plus (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 06:40:00

Oracle Fundamentals: Second Edition (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 04:00:00

Oracle8i: Network and Distributed Administration (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 03:40:00

Oracle9i: New Features for Administrators (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 03:50:00

Introduction to Oracle9i

A 10,5

Introduction to Oracle9i: SQL, PL/SQL, and SQL*Plus (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 06:40:00

Introduction to Oracle9i: SQL, PL/SQL, and SQL*Plus (Incorrect Course Information)

A 17,5

Introduction to Oracle9i: SQL, PL/SQL, and SQL*Plus

A 17,5

Oracle9i: New Features for Administrators

A 17,5

Introduction to Oracle9i (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 04:00:00

Relational Database Design (Second Edition)

A 04:59:00

Oracle9i Database: Performance Tuning (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 06:30:00


Multimédia Tipo Horas Comprar

Perl/CGI: Introduction (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 08:10:00

Perl/CGI: Introduction

A 17,5


Programação Tipo Horas Comprar

VBScript: Introduction

A 7

C++ Programming: Introduction

A 17,5

C Programming: An Introduction

A 17,5

Java 2: Enterprise JavaBeans

A 10:29:00

Visual Basic .NET: Introduction

A 16:53:00

Object-Oriented Programming: Principles (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 03:20:00

Java 2: Advanced Programming

A 3,5

JavaScript Programming (Second Edition)

A 3,5

JavaScript: Programming (Second Edition) (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 05:30:00

Java 2: Using IBM VisualAge to Create Java Applications - jCert Certification (Skill 2B) (FUWSR)

A 07:40:00

Java? 2: Advanced Programming (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 03:20:00

JavaScript Programming v1.3 (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 04:50:00

Java 2: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Using UML - jCert Certification (Skill 2A) (FUWSR)

A 04:30:00

HTML 4.01 Web Authoring: Level 2 (Second Edition)

A 03:37:00

PHP 4: Introduction (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 02:30:00

Technical Introduction to the Internet (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 04:00:00

SQL: Fundamentals Of Querying (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 03:40:00

VBScript: Introduction (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 07:50:00

Visual C++ 6.0: Desktop and Distributed Application Development with COM (FUWSR)

A 06:00:00

Visual C++ 6.0: Desktop and Distributed Application Development with the Platform SDK (FUWSR)

A 07:30:00

Visual Basic 6.0: Designing and Implementing Desktop Applications (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 05:50:00

Visual C++ 6.0: Desktop Application Development with MFC (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 06:20:00

Java 2: Enterprise Connectivity - jCert Certification (Skill 3A) (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 05:10:00

Introduction to Programming (Second Edition) (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 01:40:00

SQL: Advanced Querying ? Second Edition ? (Part2): Manipulating Tables

A 02:05:00

SQL: Advanced Querying ? Second Edition ? (Part3): Viewing and Indexing Table Data

A 01:29:00

ASP.NET: Using VisualBasic.NET, ADO.NET, and XML

A 17:38:00

ASP.NET: Using Visual C#, ADO.NET, and XML

A 17:38:00

XML: XSL Transformations, Level 1 (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 02:10:00

J2EE: Web Component Development (Part 3): Using JavaBeans and the Custom Tag Library

A 03:48:00

J2EE: Web Component Development (Part 4): Applying Security and Filters

A 01:54:00

SQL Advanced (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 02:50:00

XML: An Introduction (Third Edition)

A 05:54:00

Oracle 10g: Installing and Managing Oracle Database 10g Installation

A 08:04:00

Visual Basic .NET: Introduction (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 17:22:00

SQL: Fundamentals of Querying Second Edition (Part1): Basic Querying

A 02:04:00

SQL: Fundamentals of Querying Second Edition (Part2): Organizing Data

A 01:35:00

SQL: Fundamentals of Querying Second Edition (Part3): Handling Multiple Tables

A 01:17:00

Visual C#.NET: Introduction for Developers

A 18:31:00

J2EE Web Component Development (Part 1): Building Servlets and JSPs

A 08:18:00

SQL: Advanced Querying ? Second Edition ? (Part1): Using Subqueries

A 01:25:00

XML: An Introduction (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 02:20:00

XML: DTD Design (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 01:20:00

XML: Schema Design (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 01:20:00

XML: An Introduction (Second Edition) (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 03:30:00

Java 2: Object Oriented Analysis and Design Using UML, Part Two - jCert Certification (Skill 2A)

A 10

Visual Basic 6.0 Introduction, Part Two

A 5

XML: An Introduction (Second Edition)

A 3,5

Active Server Pages: Level 1, Part One

A 5

Introduction to Programming

A 5

PHP 4: Introduction

A 3,5

Designing Data Services and Data Models, Part One

A 10

XML: An Introduction

A 5

Enhancing Web Pages with JavaScript

A 5

Visual Basic 6.0 Introduction, Part One

A 5

Java 2: Programming Language - jCert Certification (Skill 1)

A 25

Visual C++ 6.0: Desktop and Distributed Application Development with COM

A 25

Visual C++ 6.0: Desktop and Distributed Application Development with the Platform SDK

A 25

Visual C++ 6.0: Desktop Application Development with MFC

A 25

Active Server Pages: Level 1, Part Two

A 5

Designing Business Solutions, Part Two

A 15

Advanced JavaScript Programming v1.3

A 5

XML: XSL Transformation, Level 1

A 5

Designing Data Services and Data Models, Part Two

A 5

Web Development with CSS

A 10

Gathering and Analyzing Business Requirements

A 15

Designing Business Solutions, Part One

A 15

XML: DTD Design

A 5


A 5

Java 2: Object Oriented Analysis and Design Using UML, Part One - jCert Certification (Skill 2A)

A 10

XML: Schema Design

A 5

Java 2: Using IBM VisualAge to Create Java Applications - jCert Certification (Skill 2B)

A 25

JavaScript Programming v1.3

A 15

Java 2: Enterprise Connectivity - jCert Certification (Skill 3A)

A 25

Visual Basic 6.0 Designing and Implementing Desktop Applications

A 15

Intermediate COBOL

A 5


Desktop Tipo Horas Comprar

Crystal Reports 8.0: Advanced

A 7

Crystal Reports 8.5: Advanced

A 7

Crystal Reports 8.0: Basic Skills

A 7

Crystal Reports 10: Level 2

A 06:58:00

Crystal Reports 9.0: Level 2

A 07:23:00

Crystal Reports 10: Level 1

A 08:18:00

Intranets and Extranets: An Introduction (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 01:20:00

Intranets and Extranets: An Introduction

A 1,75

Crystal Reports 8.5: Basic Skills

A 3,5


Redes Tipo Horas Comprar

Microsoft SQL Server 2000: Querying with Transact-SQL

A 7

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 System Administration

A 17,5

Microsoft SQL Server 2000: Database Design

A 17,5

Linux Professional: Apache Web Server

A 10,5

SQL Advanced Querying

A 5

NetWare 5.0: NDS Administration and Windows NT Integration (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 08:40:00

NetWare 5.1: System Administration (For Use with Screen Readers)

A 08:50:00

Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 System Administration, Part One

A 10

R5 Domino Designer Update

A 10

Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Database Design, Part Two

A 10

Technical Introduction to the Internet

A 5

Technical Introduction to the Internet

A 5

R5 Domino Designer Fast Track, Part One

A 10

R5 Domino Designer Fast Track, Part Two

A 10

Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Database Design, Part One

A 15

Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 System Administration, Part Two

A 15

SQL Fundamentals of Querying

A 5

R5 Systems Administration Fast-Track, Part Two

A 10

R5 Systems Administration Fast-Track, Part One

A 10


Desenvolvimento de Sites e Aplicações para Internet Tipo Horas Comprar

ColdFusion: Level 3

A 5

HTML Programming 4.0: Introduction

A 5

HTML Programming 4.0: Advanced

A 5

Web Design and Usability Techniques

A 10

DHTML Cross-browser Techniques, Part 1

A 5

DHTML Cross-browser Techniques: Part 2

A 10

HTML 4.01 Web Authoring: Level 1

A 5

ColdFusion: Level 1

A 5

HTML 4.01 Web Authoring: Level 2

A 5

ColdFusion: Level 2

A 5

DHTML Cross-browser Techniques (Second Edition)

A 3,5

Cascading Style Sheets (Second Edition)

A 06:56:00

ColdFusion MX: Level 1

A 03:17:00
Legenda do Tipo de Curso:
  A -  Auto-Estudo
  P  -  Presencial
  M  -  Misto: Auto-Estudo/Presencial/Tutoria On-Line
  T  -  Tutoria On-Line


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